Here you will learn how to use Granulaines and what its benefits are.
This all-purpose fertilizer, 100% made with wool, will be suitable for your vegetable garden in the ground or in a container, your planters, your flowerbeds, your lawn as well as your indoor plants.
Les Granu-Laines
Examples of areas that you can fertilize with a 500g bag: 3 free-standing bins of 2 x 4 ft standing bins; 5 to 6 planters (8 liters of soil); 3 x 8 ft vegetable garden; 10 flower pots (4 liters of soil).
Les Granu-Laines
Examples of areas you can fertilize with a 1 kg bag : A garden of 1m x 6m; 6 free-standing bins of 2 x 4 ft free-standing bins; 10 to 12 planters (8 liters of soil); 3 x 15 ft vegetable garden; 20 flower pots (4 liters of soil).
Les Granu-Laines
Set of 4 bags x 1kg. With 4kg you will be able to fertilize a large area of around 200 ft2. Perfect if you have a lot of plants to fertilize, a garden and flower beds, planters and indoor plants.
For those who are not yet familiar with our product, our fertilizer is made from 100% raw sheep wool. It is a super effective and surprising fertilizer with 10-0-4 (Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium). 50% of nutrients are available quickly and 50% more slowly, which requires only one fertilization per season. Water retention power of 20 to 30% reduces the frequency of watering. It is suitable for your garden, your planters, your houseplants, your perennials and much more.